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7 Home Maintenance Tips for Summer

by: , on April 26, 2021 - Home Seller Tips real estate in new jersey Tips

Here are seven things you can do to prepare for the hot summer months.

Spring is here, which means the hot, sunny summer is right around the corner. Since you still have a few months before the heat hits, now is the perfect time to make sure your home is well-prepared for the rising temps. Here are the top seven home maintenance tips I recommend:

1. Get your home power washed. Use a power washer (or hire someone) to spray off all the salt, mildew, and grime that may have accumulated on your home during winter. This will keep your home looking clean throughout the summer.

2. Clean the inside and outside of your windows. Doing this will make a world of difference, as winter weather can leave windows looking very dirty. Wipe down the window panes, clean out the screens, and enjoy the view.

3. Have your HVAC systems checked. Have a professional come in to change your filters and inspect your central air system. You don’t want to find out you have a problem when it’s sweltering outside.

4. Clean out your gutters. Get rid of all the leaves, sticks, and debris that accumulated in your gutters during fall and winter.

Now is the perfect time to make sure your home is well-prepared for the rising temps.

5. Work on landscaping.
It’s time to call your landscaper and start cleaning out mulch beds, planting flowers or greenery, fertilizing, and sprucing up your lawn.

6. Check your sprinkler system. Make sure nothing broke during the winter and that the lines were flushed out properly. If not, you can get it repaired. This way, it will work when your lawn needs it.

7. Schedule pool maintenance as soon as you can. Everyone will try to get a pool technician in once summer rolls around, so getting your maintenance done now can save you a headache down the road. On top of this, pools are more popular than ever, so demand for anything pool-related (heaters, technicians, insulators, etc.) is high.

These home maintenance tips can get your home ready for anything the summer decides to throw at us. If you have any questions, need a trustworthy home professional, or would like more information, feel free to reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.