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Expert Advice to Sell Your South Jersey Home this Holiday Season

by: , on December 15, 2015 - Sellers in Jersey

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The real estate market doesn’t just come to a grinding halt during the Holidays. In fact, it’s actually a really great time to sell a home. There are many reasons why this is true.

1. Buyers are very serious about purchasing. Factors like job transfers and tax breaks are motivating them to buy homes. You can take advantage of the captive buyers.

2. Inventory is very, very low. A lot of sellers take their homes off the market because they think there aren’t buyers out there. However, a lot of my sellers are getting top dollar for their homes and they’re also selling quickly!

3. Get your home listed now before everyone else lists after January 1st. There will be a flood of listings in the near future, so avoid that competition and list right now!

4. Your home is looking its best right now with holiday decorations and Christmas lights. Buyers will feel warm and cozy in your home if you’ve decorated for the holiday season.
5. Buyers are also more emotional right now, so they will be more willing to pay your price. Capitalize on that!

6. Buyers have more time to look for a home during the Holidays than they do during a work week.

7. Some people must buy before the end of the year for tax reasons.

8. January is traditionally the month for employees to begin new jobs. Since transfers cannot wait until spring to buy, you need to be on the market during the holidays to capture the market.

9. Even though your house will be on the market, you still have the option to restrict showings during the six or seven days around the Holidays.

10. You can sell now for more money and we will provide for a delayed closing or extended occupancy until early next year.

If you or someone you know is looking to buy or sell a home in South Jersey, please reach out to me today. I’d be happy to serve your real estate needs in 2016!