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The Little Known Secret That Will Get Your Home Sold

by: , on October 21, 2011 - Uncategorized

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We all want our real estate buying and selling transactions to run smoothly, efficiently and with minimum hassle.  This holds true even more so these days with the real estate market the way it has been lately.  With just a few simple things, many buyers and sellers today have a huge hand in how their transactions end up happening and as a seller there is one thing you can do that will sell your home in less time, get you more money and in a way that everyone is happy. 

The Big Secret is to Be Prepared in Advance

Sure it makes sense to be prepared to sell a home in the traditional ways, such as cleaning up all the extra clutter, making it ready to show to prospective buyers and sprucing up the home’s curb appeal.  But market-savvy sellers are going one step further.  Instead of just relying on what they think might be the issues that need resolution prior to sale, they are going out and actively trying to find out.

Get a pre-sale home inspection done, saving you lots of money on the transaction and potentially saving you the risk of losing the sale altogether.

With things the way they are in the market today, plus as we head into the cooler months and slowing down sales – now is a time when there is a lot of seller and buyer remorse going on.  Sellers feel they are getting a bad rap with the amount of concessions they have to offer in order to get their home sold.  Meanwhile, buyers get upset when they go through all the motions only to find that after having a home inspection done they have uncovered some concerns and want to renegotiate the price. 

The simple secret that many successful sellers engage in is to have their own pre-sale home inspection performed.  Whatever the items are that show up on the inspection report can then be included in the seller’s disclosure.  Not only that, the existing homeowners can then work to address the issues that seem like potential deal breakers.  In case potential buyers request further information about the items on the report – anything that has been resolved by the seller after the fact can be proven with receipts and contracts from contractors.

Home Inspections Will Typically Uncover Structural, Maintenance or Aesthetic/Cosmetic Concerns

Another advantage the seller has by being able to present a completed home inspection report done by a certified, local home inspector is that buyers will be more confident in the sellers’ disclosure.  It demonstrates integrity on the part of the sellers to present a full report on their home from top to bottom.  There are several levels of inspections that can be requested and depending on the amount the seller is willing to spend, they can provide detailed reports on many systems of the home, including plumbing and electrical, water and sewerage, foundation, structure, heating and cooling plus aesthetic aspects.  All systems in the home will also be checked for adequate functionality.

A Little Investment Goes a Long Way

It does not cost a lot of money to have a home inspection performed on your property.  By spending no more than a few hundred dollars you can count on selling your home for a better price, often a premium price that might not have been possible without a formal inspection report and corresponding repairs.

The single best reason to engage in this technique to successfully sell your home is to prevent the premature fall-through of your home’s sale.  Since buyers today have the upper hand in this soft real estate market, you need to have an edge over others sellers because they can easily lose interest and move on to the next prospective property on their list. Demonstrating you are serious about selling your home, a home inspection only makes it easier for all sides of the transaction – not to mention that buyers will be requesting a home inspection at some point in the process too.
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