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Why Is Now a Good Time to Sell in South Jersey?

by: , on August 5, 2015 - Buyers in South Jersey Estates in South Jersey Sellers in Jersey South Jersey Market south jersey real estate south jersey real estate agent South Jersey Real Estates

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Today I’d like to talk about the changing seasons we see with the South Jersey real estate market. We see four main periods of time where the market begins to pick up. 
The first one is in the winter and spring. February, March, April, and May make up the spring selling season. The summer selling season comes in June, July and August. In September, October, and November there is a nice little winter selling season. The market tends to slow during November and December.
However, right now the market is on fire. Interest rates are extremely low and the inventory is falling. The number of homes selling is way up, and this is making it a seller’s market in Jersey right now.
If you think that it’s too late to sell, you would be mistaken. Now is still a great time to get your home on the market. You just need to move quickly in order to capture the high demand we’re seeing right now.

Low interest rates will continue to bring buyers into the market, so don’t miss your chance to capture all of these extra buyers before rates go back up.
If you need any assistance buying or selling real estate in South Jersey, please don’t hesitate to contact me!